Ava Ulloa

Ava Ulloa played her final Matilda performance yesterday. Congratulations on a great run, Ava! We can’t wait to see what you do next.

Sydney Lucas (Fun Home) is in a new film and it will be released this Friday! “The Skeleton Twins” stars Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. It’s about estranged twins who reunite after cheating death the same death. Sydney makes a brief appearance in the trailer, which you can watch below. We can’t wait to see this!

University of Kentucky News wrote a great article about Brooklyn Shuck (Annie, Matilda) and her sister Sydney, who’s preparing to head out on the road for the Annie national tour. Read it at UKY.edu. I also found this video of Brooklyn and her sisters performing “Open Door” at New York Theatre Barn’s New Works Series @ DR2 back in May. Watch below!

Playbill.com went backstage at Les Miserables last weekend and Andrew Kober (Les Mis ensemble member) took some great backstage pictures featuring the Les Mis kids. Check out the photo gallery at Playbill.com.

A new video promo for Lyrics for Life is up! Watch rehearsal footage below!

And here are more pictures from the kids of Matilda and Ruthless!

Sophia Anne CarusoTimothy TV Cao