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Happy belated birthday to Nicholas Barasch (She Loves Me, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, West Side Story)! We hope you had a great day, Nicholas!

Raghav Mehrotra has rejoined the cast of School of Rock to take over the role of Freddy! Congrats and welcome back, Raghav!

Bobbi MacKenzie (School of Rock) appeared on “Live at Five” yesterday! Watch it on

Madeleine Pace (Once) appeared on “Saturday Night Live” this past weekend! Watch her sketch below:

We now have video of Kevin Tellez (On Your Feet) and Eduardo Hernandez (On Your Feet) performing at Broadway Sessions! Check it out!

Rising Talent Mag recently did a feature on Fabi Aguirre (On Your Feet, Les Miserables)! Watch it below:

And here are pictures and videos from the kids of Fun Home, On Your Feet, School of Rock, Matilda, Tuck Everlasting, and She Loves Me!

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#ICYMI @ghostbusters #Repost @moreorlesluca. Your Mother (Ghostbusters Theme Song Parody) Part 1❤️👻

A video posted by School of Rock the Musical (@sormusical) on

Your Mother (Ghostbusters Theme Song Parody) Part 2

A video posted by Luca Padovan (@moreorlesluca) on