
A dancer’s body is the tool to her success. She must have complete control over her body and mind to reach the levels of dance that she desires. Dancing takes a lot of concentration, practice, and effort. It is also physically demanding. This means the body must be continually refueled and given time to recover.

Moderation and balance


Eating a well-balanced diet, drinking fresh water, and getting enough sleep are the essentials. As often as we hear that, it is not an easy task.

  • Carbohydrates equate to quick fuel and energy. This is the fuel that moves the body through practice and performances. Carbohydrates are essential to a dancers health. A dancer should aim for a diet that is 60% carbs.
  • Protein is required to build muscle. A dancer should have protein within an hour of her performance for adequate muscle repair. The goal for protein is 15% of the diet.
  • Fat is not a bad word. You need to consume fat for cell regrowth, healthy organs, and balance hormones. 20% is the number the active dancer should strive for.
  • Many people think you should drink water in huge amounts. While not getting enough water causes dehydration, headaches, muscle problems, and a host of other uncomfortable issues, getting too much water is also very bad for your health. Aim for 9-10 cups of water per day (for females) and 10-12 8-ounce glasses of water per day for males.
  • Treats are important too. We all need a tasty little treat from time to time, as a reward or just an I love myself treat. All candy is not bad candy. Shoot for creamy dark chocolate and sugar-free candy loaded with nuts or fruits. Keep a few pieces around for your dance team. It does wonders for morale. You can shop at this candy store online.

Mental strength and positive attitude

The only thing more powerful than a dancer’s body is her mind. A dancer must be sharp and persistent. She must know how to work hard to perfect moves that others give up on. She must maintain a dancer’s frame of mind.

Dance Costumes

Dance costumes first came on the scene in the 1800’s. Before that, dancers wore regular clothes to dance in. But as dance matured, it was realized that heavy clothing and long and draped skirts hampered the body’s movement and recovery. Soon dancers moved to form fitting dance costume that showed their sleek lines off and allowed guests to her the detailed work of a dancer’s feet.

Today we know our dance apparel affects our movement and our muscles. Wearing dance apparel keeps the muscles supple and warm.

The modern dancer is often clad in the same clothing when practicing as when she is performing. In this way, the rehearsal is a true rehearsal that ensures the exact same movement. You can find beautiful and functional dance costumes here. Purchasing a new dance costume is a great motivation too. A dancer is at her best when she is in full dress.

Balance, motivation, dedication, and commitment are the tools of the dancing trade. Always remember, moderation is the key to good health.

You can find Wendy Dessler over at @outreachmama.