The cast of Beetlejuice celebrated the show’s 100th performance this week! Check out photo coverage on, and find out more about their upcoming vlog HERE!

Broadway Flea Market will return for this year on September 22nd! Get more details on

Alexa Shae Niziak (Matilda, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Women Without Men, A Christmas Story, The Thing With Feathers, The Mother of Invention) will perform in Of the Sea in New York City this weekend, alongside, as we announced previously, Zoe Wilson (The Pill, Eco Village, Play Like a Winner, Three Days to See)! Get tickets HERE.

Watch the cast of Waitress send off castmates Shoshana Bean and Erich Bergen at curtain call:

And here are pictures from the kids of Frozen, Waitress, and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child!