We at Young Broadway Actor News stand with Black Lives Matter. We condemn the hate and injustice in our world, which is not new, but has been spoken about a great deal in the past week. We encourage you to take some of the steps outlined in this article from The Oprah Magazine (original article HERE):


If you are unsure what to say, see this petition for a possible script to guide your letter.


  • #JusticeForFloyd – you can sign the petition at this link or by texting “FLOYD” to 55156
  • Justice for George Floyd – a Change.org petition available to sign at this link

While the resources shared from this article center around George Floyd, we also encourage you to look into and be active around the cases of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and others. In addition, please do what you can support the young Black artists and other young artists of color in the Broadway, Off-Broadway, and greater theatre communities at this time and at all times.