“Julie and the Phantoms,” a new series with Sacha Carlson (A Christmas Story Live), starts streaming on Netflix today! The new movie “The Babysitter: Killer Queen,” featuring Jenna Ortega (New York Spectacular), also begins streaming today on Netflix! Watch HERE. Talia Ryder (Matilda) will star in the new indie film “Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between”! Get more details on Deadline.com. “Vampires vs. the Bronx,” with Gregory Diaz IV (Matilda, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Pedro Pan, “In The Heights”), will premiere on Netflix on October 2nd! Find out more on ScreenRant.com. Here’s a first look at “A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting” with Oona Laurence (Matilda) and Lynn Masako Cheng (The King and I)! The film will arrive on Netflix on October 14th. A new holiday musical featuring Joziyah Jean-Felix (The Lion King), Willow McCarthy (The Ferryman, 1984, Matilda), and Brooklyn Shuck (The Ferryman, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Les Miserables, Tuck Everlasting, Matilda, Annie) is streaming this holiday season! Get more information on Deadline.com. Sebastian Ortiz (A Christmas Carol) is taking part in the Runway of Dreams Fashion Show on September 14th at 8pm EST! Get tickets HERE. Finally, here’s an opportunity for students ages 12-16: Taylor Louderman, Hannah Kloepfer, and Nat Zegree are developing a new musical called The Bit List! The first workshop begins September 16th. Register HERE!