Lexi Underwood (The Lion King) will star in a new Disney+ movie, “Sneakerella”!

Current and former Broadway kids Layla Capers (The Lion King, School of Rock), Fiona Morgan Quinn (Frozen), Walter Russell III (The Lion King), Jayden Theophile (Tina), and Skye Dakota Turner (Tina) performed during tonight’s “In Our America” concert, presented by Broadway for Biden! Find out more about the event on BroadwayWorld.com.

Andrew Barth Feldman (Dear Evan Hansen) played games on Alex Boniello’s Twitch stream today! Check it out HERE.

Sebastian Ortiz (A Christmas Carol) appears in this commercial for Nick Jr.’s “Santiago of the Seas”!

Catch Matthew Jost (School of Rock) and Ariana Perlson (A Little Princess) performing in “Hope’s Got Talent” on October 25th!

Mehret Marsh (Tina, The Lion King) is performing in the “Virtual Broadway Halloween Bash” on October 31st!

Alyssa Emily Marvin (Trevor, Dream Street, Number the Stars) worked on a short film from her home! More details to come.

And check out this new TikTok from Joshua Turchin (Trevor, Forbidden Broadway, The Pill)!