Season 2 of “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous,” featuring Jenna Ortega (New York Spectacular), is now streaming on Netflix! Tonight, “Broadway Jackbox” with Andrew Barth Feldman (Dear Evan Hansen) returns at 6pm EST / 3pm PST! Tonight. January 22, 6PM EST.#BwayJackbox.@ucancallmesis.@park24hrs.@ciaraalyse.@Zach_Piser.@will_roland.@AlexBoniello and me. — Andrew Barth Feldman (@andrewbfeldman) January 22, 2021 Tomorrow morning at 11am EST, tune in for a new episode of “Kyla’s Korner,” hosted by Kyla Carter (Number the Stars)! Finally, you can watch A Class Act NY’s entire Q&A with “Jingle Jangle” star Madalen Mills (School of Rock) here! View this post on Instagram A post shared by A Class Act NY (@aclassactny)