The second season of “Ghostwriter,” with Amadi Chapata (School of Rock), is now on Apple TV! Here’s the trailer: The 2018 workshop of The Secret Garden, starring Brooklyn Shuck (The Ferryman, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Les Miserables, Tuck Everlasting, Matilda, Annie) and Cameron Mann (Peace, Love and Cupcakes), is now streaming on Broadway On Demand! Watch HERE. Tomorrow at 11am EDT, listen to another new episode of “Kyla’s Korner,” hosted by Kyla Carter (Number the Stars)! And tomorrow at 7pm EDT, tune in to the next “Voices to End Hunger” concert on the “Voices to End Hunger” Facebook page! The lineup of performers is set to include Sway Bhatia (Really Rosie, Dream Street), Layla Capers (The Lion King, School of Rock), Isabella Iannelli (The Rose Tattoo), Walter Russell III (The Lion King), Antonio J. Watson (Tina, This Ain’t No Disco), and more!