“The Gilded Age,” with Taylor Richardson (Annie, Smokefall, A Christmas Memory), arrives on HBO Max today! Congrats to Madalen Mills (School of Rock), whose new film “Summering” premiered at Sundance this past weekend! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Madalen Mills🎵 (@madalenmills) The Braganza Sisters, with Amaya Braganza (The King and I, Annie), Adriana Braganza (The King and I), and their sister Anika, are playing a show at Kobrick Coffee Co. on February 3rd! Get tickets HERE. The cast of MJ took part in the Broadway tradition Saturday Night Scream, where they performed “Thriller” for the cast of Slave Play, which just completed their run across the street! Watch HERE. And here are pictures from the kids of Whisper House, The Music Man, and The Lion King!