Netflix’s adaptation of “Matilda” (with The Grinch Musical alumni Bebe Massey, Chantelle Tonolete, and Lyla Toplass) will arrive in select theaters on December 9th and on Netflix on Christmas Day! Congrats to Sydney Elise Russell (The Lion King), who has been cast as Young Elsa on the national tour of Frozen! Her performances begin next week. Isabel Medina (Trevor) made her Broadway debut after stepping in to the Broadway production of The Lion King as a standby this past week! She completed her week-long run this past Sunday. “Manifest” season 4 part 1 (with Billy Elliot alum Holly Taylor) has released their first teaser! Watch below: And here are more videos and pictures from the kids of Leopoldstadt, MJ, and The Music Man! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Calvin James (@adventuresofcalvinjames) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Corey J (@theoriginal_prince) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kennedy Pitney (@kennedy_pitney)