Aaralyn Anderson |
Ballyturk |
Aaron Shuf |
Leopoldstadt |
Abi Monterey |
Liberty The Musical |
Abigail Dylan Harrison |
A Christmas Story Live, Ruthless! |
Abigail Paige Murphy |
Dream Street |
Adam Dorfman |
A Little Princess |
Adam Riegler |
The Addams Family, Shrek |
Adante Power |
Love & Information |
Adriana Braganza |
The King and I |
Aidan Gemme |
Finding Neverland, Mary Poppins, Waiting for Godot, You're A Good Man Charlie Brown, Runaways |
Aiden Eyrick |
Jerusalem, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson |
Aiden Sierra |
Room |
Akira Golz |
Matilda |
Alejandro Vargas |
Dream Street |
Alessandra Baldacchino |
Fun Home, A Little Princess |
Alex Ammerman |
Mothers and Sons |
Alex Dreier |
Billy Elliot, The Assembled Parties, Appropriate |
Alex Ko |
Billy Elliot |
Alexa Shae Niziak |
Matilda, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Women Without Men, A Christmas Story, The Thing With Feathers |
Alexa Valentino |
Dream Street, Number the Stars |
Alexander Bello |
The Rose Tattoo; All My Sons; Caroline, Or Change; The Tap Dance Kid |
Alexis Holt |
The Piano Lesson |
Alexis Rae Forlenza |
Oresteia |
Alivia Clark |
Little Miss Sunshine, Dream Street |
Aliyah Mastin |
The Lion King |
Allie Trimm |
13, Bye Bye Birdie |
Alphonso Romero Jones II |
The Lion King |
Aly Brier |
Billy Elliot |
Alyssa Emily Marvin |
Grey House, Trevor, Number the Stars, Dream Street |
Amadi Chapata |
School of Rock |
Amanda Swickle |
Tink! |
Amaris Sanchez |
On Your Feet |
Amaya Braganza |
The King and I, Annie |
Amelia Minto |
The Grinch Musical |
Analise Scarpaci |
Matilda, A Christmas Story, Godspell Cast of 2032 |
Andie Mechanic |
People in the Picture |
Andrew Barth Feldman |
Dear Evan Hansen |
Andrew DiTusa |
Liberty, A Little Princess |
Andy Richardson |
Newsies, Gypsy, How the Grinch Stole Christmas |
Andy Walken |
A Christmas Story Live |
Angeli Negron |
Les Miserables |
Anna Rae Haller |
Frozen |
Annabelle Tural |
The Jungle |
Annabelle Wachtel |
School of Rock, The Bedwetter |
Annie Baltic |
Mary Poppins |
Anthony Pierini |
Big Fish, Mary Poppins |
Anthony Rosenthal |
Falsettos, Really Rosie |
Anthony Scarpone-Lambert |
Mary Poppins |
Antonio J. Watson |
Tina, This Ain't No Disco |
Arica Himmel |
The Layover |