Sophia Anne Caruso We now have photos from opening night of The Nether and Sophia Anne Caruso looked beautiful! Take a look at and

Please welcome Jake Katzman and Jeremy T. Villas to Kinky Boots! Jake Katzman will alternate Young Charlie with Graham Montgomery. Jeremy T. Villas will alternate Young Lola with D’Andre Lee. Douglas Baldeo and Cameron Colley both departed the company this past Sunday. Happy trails Cameron and Douglas and welcome Jake and Jeremy!

Alyssa Marvin (Number the Stars), Kyla Carter (Number the Stars), and Sophie Knapp (Once) all appeared on “Good Morning America” this morning as part of a segment for “Frozen”! We are currently looking for video.

Production photos from The Audience are now online! Get your first look at the production at

Hayden Wall (Soul Doctor) will perform in the world premiere production of “Blood and Fire” at Baruch Performing Arts Center on March 16th at 7pm! Full details at Hayden’s FB page.

Sawyer Nunes (Finding Neverland) has launched a new YouTube channel focused exclusively on music! Take a look HERE.

Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda) updated the Media page on her website! Check it out at

And here are pictures from the kids of The Audience, Matilda, Iowa, New York Spring Spectacular, The Lion King, Number the Stars, Once, and The King and I!