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Abigail Dylan Harrison Birthday

Happy birthday to Chloé Bryan (School of Rock) and happy belated birthday to Abigail Dylan Harrison (A Christmas Story Live, Ruthless)! We hope you both had great days!

Netflix’s “The Punisher,” with Ripley Sobo (Runaways, Matilda, Once), is out now!

UPDATE: Tomorrow’s episode of “Sesame Street” with Gianna Harris (School of Rock) will air at 9am, NOT at 7pm, on HBO!

“Rise,” with alumni Brett Gray (Radio City Christmas Spectacular) and Taylor Richardson (Smokefall, A Christmas Memory, Annie), now has a premiere date: March 13th, 2018, at 10/9c on NBC!

And here are pictures and videos from the kids of Shadowlands, Radio City Christmas Spectacular, School of Rock, and A Christmas Story Live!