“Super Wings” premiered on Sprout today! Congratulations to Luca Padovan (Newsies), Colin Critchley (New York Spring Spectacular), and Victoria Dennis (Little Miss Sunshine)! The kids of Matilda sang with Idina Menzel as part of the new song from “Frozen Fever” called “Making Today A Perfect Day”. You can listen to it below! The King and I will get a cast album that will drop this summer! The release date is TBA. Sam Poon (The King and I) and Samantha Cutler (Billy Elliot national tour) will star in their new cabaret “Songs of Our Youth”, comprised of songs from their childhood and teen years. Guests will include kids from Billy Elliot, Motown, and more. The cabaret will take place on Apr. 27th at 7pm at Don’t Tell Mama. More info can be found at DontTellMamaNYC.com. The cast of New York Spring Spectacular will perform on GMA on March 20th! Not sure if the kids will appear, but we’ll keep you posted! The Shapiro Sisters were interviewed by Playbill.com as part of a special article about showbiz siblings! Read it HERE. We’ve added bios to our Finding Neverland page. Please go take a look! And here are more pictures and video from the kids of The Nether, The King and I, The Lion King, Fun Home, Matilda, and New York Spring Spectacular! http://instagram.com/p/0MVqoFKER6/ https://instagram.com/p/0L5Pm3AuUH/ https://instagram.com/p/0LEpGwwQo6/ https://instagram.com/p/0Lt60Rgwly/ Post by Young Broadway Actor News.