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Happy opening to Taylor Richardson (Annie, A Christmas Memory) and the company of Smokefall! Break a leg to all!

Happy Trails to Shane Davis, who has left the role of Tommy in Matilda! We can’t wait to see what’s next for you, Shane!

Tonight, Lilla Crawford (Annie, Billy Elliot) is performing in Broadway Sings Billy Joel at the Highline Ballroom! Get more information on

A Room of My Own has sold out its entire run! Please check Abingdon Theatre Company’s website HERE for updates.

BroadwayWorld has photo coverage and video highlights from the concert production of The Secret Garden! Check out the pictures HERE and the video HERE or below:

And here are pictures and videos from the kids of The Lion King, Matilda, Fiddler on the Roof, Tuck Everlasting, She Loves Me, On Your Feet!

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